CASTELLÓN (SPAIN) Aug. 8, 2022- AprendeXojo announces GuancheID 1.2 for Xojo
GuancheID is the easiest way to get an unique ID for macOS and Windows based computers, so you can use it in combination with GuancheMOS or with your own software Licensing scheme to make sure your software only runs on the computer the license has been generated for, among other possible uses.
This new release adds ARM support and other improvements to GuancheID.
You can use GuancheID without restrictions when running your apps in Debug Mode from the Xojo IDE, but a license is required when building an application that makes use of it.
Download the Fully Functional Xojo Demo Project: GuancheID - AprendeXojo
Watch the Demo Video: GuancheID - YouTube
Price and Availability
GuancheID has a price of EUR 40.00 and can be downloaded and purchased directly from
Name: GuancheID
GuancheID Product webpage: GuancheID - AprendeXojo
Price: EUR 40.00
Trial Mode: Yes
Trial Limitations: No Limitations