AppWrapper CLI

Just wondering if it’s possible to run AppWrapper from the command line. We have an application that does the uploading of our updates to our website and I’d like to just call AppWrapper, let it do it’s thing, then upload our code signed and notarized DMG to the website.

I’m pretty sure it can be called from a build script. @Sam_Rowlands will be able to confirm.

I think you’re right, but we have an application that handles both our Mac versions and Windows versions and uploads them to the web with some hashing information. It would be much easier to incorporate a call to AppWrapper from that application rather than through a build script.

If it can be called from a Build Script then it can be called from anything else that can run a shell command.

There is a page in the AppWrapper help that talks about scripting the wrapping process.

  • Open AppWrapper
  • Click on Guides
  • Click on integrating with Xojo

It would work with anything that can run a command line.

Looking at it, there is a scripting tab within AppWrapper. Click it and then Click ShellScript. You will be provided with a script for running AppWrapper.