application has gone off-line

Once in a while I encounter an “application has gone off-line”, when I try to open an url where a xojo webapp is supposed to show up in an iframe.
When I reload the page, then the webapp loads as expected.

Is this a time-out issue? Is there a way to keep the webapp responsive?

It is a standalone webapp on Linux, 64bit. There are 3 instances of it, running on different ports, behind a haproxy loadbalancer.

In the eventhandler, I have such code:

[code] Me.AutoQuit=False

#If Not DebugBuild Then // Do not try to daemonize a debug build
Call Me.Daemonize

The (failed) webpage then looks like this:

After a reload of the page, it looks like this:

do you log exceptions?
If one happens in your code it could result in no website.

I just had a client where the app didn’t find the database file and exited.

Sure the application might not be quitting, but is the Session set to time out?

In the Session Open Event I have:

self.Timeout = 3600