Apple Profile Triage 3.6b1

Happy Holidays everyone! :christmas_tree::star_of_david:

Apple Profile Triage 3.6b1 is available for download today.

In addition to some stability fixes, APT now has a diagnostic feature which generates a PDF report of items associated with a particular application identifier. You can activate this new feature by right-clicking on an Application Identifier or by selecting the Identifiers > Run Diagnostics ⌘-D menu. You will be presented with a report showing which profiles are attached to the identifier and which certificates and devices are attached to the profiles. if any of the items are expired, invalid or missing from your local machine, APT will highlight them in the report.

NOTE: Work is still being done on the layout of the report, but I wanted to make this available now because the holidays are a common time for independent devs to release new versions of their software.

The ability to zoom in on the pages in the report would be helpful for me.

It’s just a PDF shown in an htmlviewer. If you right-click on it, you should be able to resize it.

I certainly looks that way. However, pinch to zoom in / out didn’t work. double tap for zoom either.

You’ll have to talk to Xojo about that. APT just tells it to open the file.

Interesting, HTML scales and zooms perfectly, PDF doesn’t.

Just uploaded b2 and added keyboard equivalents for zoom in, zoom out and actual size that match Safari.

Interestingly that has worked. It has also allowed the trackpad to zoom in and out too.

What’s really interesting to me is that my trackpad does not allow me to zoom in/out. Glad it does for you.