Apple mail export paragraph characters and end of lines

I’m working on an app for internal use that needs to parse a subset of emails in a mailbox, exported from Apple Mail using the Save As command. (Select multiple emails from the mailbox and choose Save As…) – this saves the emails to a plain text file, which is what I’m parsing.

So two things…

(for the purpose of this screenshot, I’ve extracted two emails and changed the names, but otherwise left things intact):

The first email, at the beginning of the document, starts with the F in From: as the first character. Subsequent From lines have a paragraph character at the beginning of the line, like you see in the second email – but I’m only seeing this on the From line, no others. I think that’s causing problems and I’d like to filter it out - but how? What character is that? BBEdit show it as “\f” but how would I remove that in Xojo?

The other thing that’s weird is that my code splits the text (which is in a string called mailboxRaw, generated from a textinputstream) on EndOfLine, but that doesn’t seem to be working, at least not all the time:

var mailboxArray() as string 
var fromAddress as string

mailboxArray = mailboxRaw.split(EndOfLine)

For i As Integer = mailboxArray.FirstIndex To mailboxArray.LastIndex
  // Parse lines starting with "From: ".
  If mailboxArray(i).Left(6) = "From: " Then
    fromAddress = mailboxArray(i)
  end If

Sometimes it works fine and the only thing in fromAddress is the From: line, but sometimes the linebreak at the end of the From: line is ignored, and when i look at it in the debugger, it looks like this:

In the actual email, there’s a blank line after the To: line, before the message body starts. But there are clearly line breaks between the From, Subject, Date and To lines, which you can see here (and you can also see them in the BBEdit screen shots with Show Invisibles turned on).

mailboxArray = mailboxRaw.split(EndOfLine)

It seems it’s not splitting on the end of line until it hits two EOLs in a row (in the line after the To: line, which seems to be the pattern in the cases where it does what you see in this debugger screenshot) and is combining these four lines into one.


represents the FormFeed character in the C Language in strings. It is &H0C or 12 in decimal. If BBedit can display the text in Hex, you will find what character it considers as \f. Knowing this, you will be able to filter it out. It is surprising that it’s not CR (Carriage Return), or &H0D that is used.

Thanks. I’m not sure how to show that text as hex in bbedit, but I’ll look.

Just to make sure there wasn’t a text encoding issue, I am now explicitly defining encoding as UTF8 on the string made from the TextInputStream, before anything is done with it.

UTF8 matches what BBEdit reports as the text encoding of the file exported from Mail. When I do this, the four lines of text in my second problem now appear as one line, with ‚Ä® where the linebreaks are. Hmm.

Looks like you have another text encoding issue.

I am not sure but I thing BBEdit has a functionality to export the open file to Hex.

I always normalize the end-of-line characters when reading in emails from Mail.

a) I did some work on an AppleScript to write selected emails to the desktop. See Exporting emails from Mail with AppleScript - advanced topics .

b) There is a full blown parser to parse any email in the Xojo shop.

A clear head and copious amounts of coffee this morning, and I have it working. In the block where I’m reading in the text file, I am now explicitly replacing chr(12) and this seems to have fixed all the problems:

// Remove weird FormFeed character before some "From" lines
MailboxRaw = MailboxRaw.ReplaceAll(chr(12), "")

I’m no longer seeing the multi-line results I was getting before, when splitting the text file on EndOfLine. So whatever those were doing there, they were seriously messing things up!