appicons_XXX.png moved?

My apps are now showing no icon in the desktop menus. I looked around to find that they are no longer in the top-level app folder, but in the Resources folder.

@William_Yu, when did this happen and why?

2020r2 (or was it 2020r1?) included a feature that the AppIcon will be shown when launching the executable even without the .desktop file. Apart from Wayland based distributions that seemed to work fine.
The issue with Xojo’s implementation was that they’ve used the hardcoded AppIcon file next to the executable. Which is a problem if you’re packaging multiple executable in the same folder. They would all pick up the same icon-file…
Maybe that’s the reason they’ve moved it to the Resources folder?

There are two feedback cases for that, but I can’t look up the case numbers or status as i don’t take a computer on holidays (and as long as Feedback is not a WebApp) :slight_smile:

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