Append to a multidim array

Is there a smart workaround to add extra elements to a multidim array? I’m trying to wrap my head around this but sofar no success. The array is a class property and not created with a DIM statement.

Apparently, Redim does the job.

What about .Append ?

Append doesn’t work on a multidim array.

An easier way is to make an array of a class

Make a class myClass that has all the properties you want to store in the multi-dim array.

Dim myArray() as myClass

Then you can happily append, insert etc additional items.

[quote=399945:@Markus Winter]An easier way is to make an array of a class

Make a class myClass that has all the properties you want to store in the multi-dim array.

Dim myArray() as myClass

Then you can happily append, insert etc additional items.[/quote]

Could you give an example?

Let‘s say you have a multi-dim array where you save data on the cars you have

Column1 is model (eg “Audi”), column2 is color (eg “silver”), column3 is km driven (eg “12467”) etc

Make a class car with properties
Model as string
Color as string // you could also do this “as color”
km as string // you could also do this “as double”

Add an array myCars() as car

Dim myCar as car
MyCar.Model = “Ford”
MyCar.Color = “blue” = “54863”

MyCars.append myCar

Now you can not only easily add/delete/insert etc further cars to the array, but you can also easily add more properties to the class car without breaking anything.

Aah! I understand. That’s a nice approach. Thanks Marcus!