App with Daemon

I’m working on a new idea but don’t know if this is suitable for the MAS.
How would you sell a Desktop app which will receive data collected by a Console app.
The Console app (daemon) has to be installed by a root user.

Could you sell the app in MAS and when the app is first launched it downloads and installs the console app?

Well that would be easy but is such a solution accepted by Apple?

I can’t see why not but I’m no expert on MAS. Can’t you put the console app in your bundle and code sign it?

Can you sandbox a console app?

There’s a bit about it here at Stack overflow



AFAIK, this bit is not possible, but some clever spark might know how. It might have to resort to asking the user for elevated permissions on launch. However as it will be sandboxed, it will be locked down as to what it can do.

Now all that is said and done, I just realized that Cornerstone (which I purchased through MAS) is being sold unsandboxed and they’re still supplying updates for it.

Oke thanks, I will further investigate…

A MAS app can’t elevate privileges. It’s specifically banned in the rules under section 2.27:

From my understanding they’re grandfathered in and can only push out bug fixes over the MAS.

[quote=87487:@Joe Ranieri]A MAS app can’t elevate privileges. It’s specifically banned in the rules under section 2.27:
From my understanding they’re grandfathered in and can only push out bug fixes over the MAS.[/quote]

Correct. I went through all this when I tried pushing SMBUp into the MAS. Since it both installs a daemon as root and needs to manipulate launchctl through a setuid console app, it was speedily rejected :smiley: