App startup: Runtime Error

Those affect what the debug build can see.
You still need to ensure that any DLLs required by your app are installed in the Application folder by the installer.
The install script doesnt need them to be next to the built exe, as long as it can drag them from somewhere when it builds the install.

Thanks Jeff.

Using Inno I have created a Setup-installer, on Windows 7. Using that installe the application gives me the same error message mention early.

If I take the installer, created above, and copy it to system running Windows 10 and install it the application runs as expected.

That would lead me to believe that something is missing from the install that Windows 7 needs.

Probably the Windows Visual Studio 2015 redistributable runtimes ?
How many dll’s are right next to the exe in your Windows version ?
Or did you use you InnoSetup installer to install the redistributable ?

[quote=274514:@Norman Palardy]Probably the Windows Visual Studio 2015 redistributable runtimes ?
How many dll’s are right next to the exe in your Windows version ?
Or did you use you InnoSetup installer to install the redistributable ?[/quote]

I’m now using InnoSetup with the VC_redist.x86.exe included.
Have two dll (msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll) copied into the build.
Also check and I’m using the 32bit option for the Xojo build.
Still getting the same error i.e.: Common\Loaders\LoaderWindows.cpp:127

Edit: <> This post was nothing useful, only asking questions you had already answered.

Not just included
The installer has to RUN this exe so the dll’s it installs get installed

[quote=274550:@Jim Smith]
Have two dll (msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll) copied into the build.
Also check and I’m using the 32bit option for the Xojo build.
Still getting the same error i.e.: Common\Loaders\LoaderWindows.cpp:127[/quote]

You need to EITHER

  1. run the VC_redist.x86.exe so it installs all 40 or so dll’s
  2. include ALL 40 of those dll’s right next to you built applications EXE file

not both (that’s overkill)

I [quote=274552:@Norman Palardy]You need to EITHER

  1. run the VC_redist.x86.exe so it installs all 40 or so dll’s
  2. include ALL 40 of those dll’s right next to you built applications EXE file

not both (that’s overkill)[/quote]

Have done #1 and NOT #2. (Just started that today.)

If the installer is actually running & successfully installing all the redistributable dll’s then there is no need to do #2

doing both is overkill

I’d check that the windows vs installer is actually running & putting the dll’s in the windows / system directories

if it is then there is “something else” causing your issues

Have checked the installed application folder.

DLL’s from VC_86 are next to the .exe file.

There are also a few dll in the Libs folder.

There 2 dll in both folders (msvcp100 and msvcp140).

So now where?

Not quite right. If you want to go with that method, you copy the files from your Xojo installation that are in Extras\Windows Runtime\Files\x86 to be in the same folder as your exe (for a 32-bit app).

What? Isn’t that what I said?

You said DLLs from the VC redistributable- not the DLLs from Xojo’s extra directory. I was making sure the two weren’t being confused. It still sounds like your installer is not putting all the required files in the right place, since your app works when you just copy it yourself.

You should compare the file listing of your copy that works with the installed copy to find out what is different.

Just looking at your script- this may or may not be related to your problem but you are copying your executable twice:

Source: “C:\Users\jim\Documents\RVCLB 2.7.4\RVCare Log Book.exe”; DestDir: “{app}”; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: “C:\Users\jim\Documents\RVCLB 2.7.4\*”; DestDir: “{app}”; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs

You probably don’t need to have a line that copies the .exe itself when you already have the line below that copies everything from that directory anyway.


Compared the before InnoSetup and the after InnoSetup-Install. There were a bunch of .dll not in the prior to Inno.

Ran the installed app and got the error message.

Removed all the .ddl next to the .exe that Inno put there and ran the app. NO ERROR. (did not do much testing so don’t know if there would be crash for missing dll.)

It working!!

Don’t know why.

I delete the app.'s folder for the windows Program File (x86) and ran the setup file to install the app and it worked.

Just to verify that it was not a fluke, I re-ran the Xojo build and the Inno Setup and ran the app and it ran without error.

Checked the app folder and the dll. from the vc_x86 were not in there, eventho the Inno input file had the instructions, I guess they are not necessary for my app.


I think the redist installer installs them in the windows system directory
Thats a good thing