App startup: Runtime Error

Created installer setup, using Inno. App installs ok. Then I get the following error on running app:

Failure Condition: byteRead == mDatSection.DataLength

Then I signed it using Ksign, still get same error on running. NOTE: Have used same Inno script to create previous versions.

Running Win 7, VMware on iMac.

Help would be appreciated.

After doing some more checking I think this may have something to do with two dll.

msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll

have downloaded replacements but they did not fix the problem.

So i’m at a loss.

Does it work before the installer?

No. Neither win7 or 10. In win10 I’m getting Error: Common\Loaders\Loader.cpp: 173

It may or may not be the dll.

I’m using Xojo 2016 R1.1. Previous version run ok, look like it was built by Xojo 2015 r4

Did you also install the redistributable VS C runtimes ?

Don’t think so. Did not do that before. It that something new?

Its in the release notes for 2016r1
In Documentation > WindowsUniversalRuntime.pdf next to the IDE
You probably only need to make sure its installed on Windows 7 as Windows 10 should work as is

Thanks Norman. I found the doc.

It’s not work for me.
Draged all 40 files from the Xojo… Windows Runtime/Files/x86 to the CopyStep of the build.
Tried each of the five Destination and none of them worked.
I get the same error message message.
What am I doing wrong?

It sounds like the binary is somehow corrupted.

OK! Now what?

If you rebuild the app from the IDE and try to run it, does it work?

Tried running test on REAL windows computer with Win7 and getting same error:
Common\Loaders\Loader.cpp: 173

Do you have Macoslib in the project anywhere?
Or any calls to Mac libraries that arent wrapped in a pragma for TargetMacOS?

[quote=269844:@Jim Smith]Tried running test on REAL windows computer with Win7 and getting same error:
Common\Loaders\Loader.cpp: 173[/quote]

You could file a bug report with the executable folder and, ideally, the project that it was built from.

[quote=269845:@Jeff Tullin]Do you have Macoslib in the project anywhere?
Or any calls to Mac libraries that arent wrapped in a pragma for TargetMacOS?[/quote]

That could very well be. Let me check it out.

Have found the problem, A window from Ohanaware, errorReporter2016r1. Haven’t found the code that causing the problem yet.

Is there anyway to something like a pragma to selective include or exclude a window, class, method, etc?

If you do, please file a bug report. This shouldn’t able to happen.

I’m not at my computer right now, but you can try wrapping the calls to the errorReporter in if statements.

#if targetCocoa then ErrorRepoter2016r1.init #endif

Try the same in the app.unhanldedexceptionerror event.

I’ll look into it tomorrow to double check all the declares.

[quote=270248:@Sam Rowlands]I’m not at my computer right now, but you can try wrapping the calls to the errorReporter in if statements.

#if targetCocoa then

Try the same in the app.unhanldedexceptionerror event.

I’ll look into it tomorrow to double check all the declares.[/quote]

@Sam Rowlands I did that, still got error. Had to wrap all the declares also. Don’t know if this is what @Joe Ranieri is talking about that should not happen.