App start launch Sqlite file without a OpenDialog

I’m trying to open and launch a default user Sqlite database file while the application starts without a Open Dialog. The GetFolderItem(filter) expects a string for the path but it gets a class FolderItem. I even tried creating a string property sFile for the Directory filter but it didn’t like that either. How do I make Filter be a string instead of a FolderItem?

[code]Dim dbFile As FolderItem

//result=GetOpenFolderItem(filter) result is Foleritem, Filter is String
// Filter Expect type string but gets class folderitem

dbFile = GetOpenFolderItem(SpecialFolder.Documents.Child(“AppName”).Child(“User Files”).Child(“DefaultUser.sqlite”)) //<-- Here

db = New SQLiteDatabase
db.DatabaseFile = dbFile

If db.Connect Then
OpenedFile = dbFile.DisplayName
MsgBox("Error: " + db.ErrorMessage)
End If[/code]

Skip GetOpenFolderItem completely.

 dbFile = SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("AppName").Child("User Files").Child("DefaultUser.sqlite")

SpecialFolder returns a FolderItem. There is no need to turn around and prompt the user for something you already have.

dang… Tim beat me by 17 seconds

It works Thanks again Tim & Dave