App Not Compiling

I’ve just resumed coding after a break for a week due to other commitments. My app won’t compile. When it cycles through all the objects, another small window appears for a split second (too fast to capture of see any text) and then returns to the IDE without any other error message being displayed.

I can’t run my app in the IDE or build it. My licenses are okay.

Compiling in Windows 7.

Can anyone help?


Check if you have any exe with debug in the name in the working folder

In the build settings for Windows or This Computer change the name of the executable and run it. After that you should be able to name it back. This happens to me quite oftern. I have a “Debug appname” directory that becomes locked and even with full admin privileges I can not delete the forlder. The renaming workaround seems to fix it and prevents having to reboot the computer.

All I did us to delete the debug folder on windows or the on mac… Especially when doing remote debugging

Thanks for all the suggestions, but none have worked. I’ve managed to capture the event into a JPEG. This appears for a fraction of a second:

I also neglected to mention that I am using the latest Xojo version 2014r1.1, and that using “Analyze Project” produces no errors.


Care to send me the project off list and I’ll have a quick peek

Are you using any external components? I’ve found the IDE does this to me when there is an error in a linked external component. It could be just encrypted external components (I don’t remember). Try temporarily decrypting and making external components internal… then try again. This time, the error will show the results in the message dialog.

Thanks Norman. I’ll have to do that when I return from work later today.

I found a backup of my project before recent changes. It’s definitely not external components because the backup works fine. The latest changes were to do with creating a Container Control, which was unfinished.


Do a screen record (video), and then play it back in slow speed.


Did that. The above image is one frame from the movie recording.
