App is unsharp and lines goes missing (Seqouia)


I just moved to a new Macbook PRO M4 (Sequoia - taking a leap from Mojave. Xojo 2024 3.1).
I have an app I made myself and have ran for over 10 years without much issues. A first I couldn’t get Xojo to build (“for this computer”), but it revealed later that it needed Rosetta for that (but it didn’t say so).
When I run my app the text is blurry, unsharp and separator lines in the List boxes are either not drawn or disappears when a dialogue box appears. The latter is consistent. Sometimes they come back when I fiddle with some graphics settings or other programs. Very weird. It does not matter if I use the laptop screen or an external screen. Any ideas?

Looks like you missed to set the Supports Hi-DPI Mode at the Shared Build Settings Inspector.

Much sharper. Thanks!
-Unfortunately the separator lines still disappears like before.
Lines in some List boxes are either never drawn or disappears when a dialogue box opens.
I also found that sorting removes the separator lines seemingly permanent.
(This does not happen on Mojave and before that, using exactly the same code.)

Those don’t look like standard separator lines. What are you using to draw them. Is it code, if so can you show it. If it is a setting of the ListBox, which one. Some are not supported in newer macOS versions.

Thanks! The gridlines are “ThinDotted” right from the menu. If I change to ThinSolid, it seems to work fine. I can live with that.

You probably missed the macOS build settings where you can choose between Intel and ARM (and UB). Sounds like the app is set up for Intel only.

Ulrich, you are right. I looked for an ARM/x86 setting yesterday without finding it, but figured since “this computer” is ARM, that is what I get.
Running in ARM text labels and buttons are slightly, but too much out of place (not the same as in the IDE window), to the point of the app not being usable, so I will stay with x86 and Rosetta for now.

If that’s the case you should file an Issue with a small example project to show the problem.


Never seen something like this. Controls are exactly on their spot here, no matter if ARM oder Intel.


I wonder if these styles still do exist. This is from the Xojo docs, DesktopListbox:

I think I remember to have read you should rather paint your own grid lines in CellBackgroundPaint event.

These exist and are what I use. The “thin-dotted” and so on are from a much older IDE version - or it may be they apply to the Listbox as opposed to the DesktopListbox. Perhaps @Roger_Jönsson should consider updating his app to API2.

Yes, that’s it. I had opened an API 1 project and found these old styles, but they do indeed not work anymore after a resize.
EDIT: ThinSolid and ThickSolid are still drawn with current Xojo, even after a resize. But in Dark Mode they are black (also with API 2). So a custom paint event handling looks like the best idea.

I imagine that’s permanently broken for API1, then.


Looking more closely it seems to be about font size. When I set the text up 10 years I was probably lazy and just stacked several words on top of each other vertically, instead of making one label per word to match the text fields beside it. Now when the fonts have changed in the ARM version their positions don’t match. Sorry. My bad. I should have checked this.

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I see. Dotted Grid lines does not exist in a new project, but in my old project they are still there to found in the menu…

When I first saw that grid lines were going to be only either present or absent, I was a bit worried, but in fact I find that the new pale gridlines are better than what they offered before in API1, so I view that as an improvement.

I tried to upgrade to API 2 and it returned several thousand errors… As this is an app I use myself in my business only and it really does not need any new features, I hope I can just keep using it. Updating it would probably take weeks (I’m rusty) and I’d rather keep running it on an old computer if new ones would spit it out.

Yes, this is not untypical. I had over 6000 initially. One has to take a step by step approach. Sounds like for you there is no particular point except perhaps as an exercise. Here’s how I got on: