App crashing because it changes ReadOnly = False to True

This is on 2020 r1.0
For the longest I’ve been working on Mac, but I switched to PC for various reasons.
All of a sudden I’m getting a crash when I HAVE changed TextAreas from ReadOnly = True to False and then redo the ReadOnly = True.
This is the first of the controls, and this is the line it crashes on.
CREdit(kCForWd).ReadOnly = True //If True, the text cannot be modified.

I have a routine which sets the controls to off, and it happens in this routine.
This routine is called a lot because I have to verify the controls are off. Yup I could probably figure another but that is later.

By the time it gets to this problem, the controls have been reset to off umpteen times without crashing.
It happens on the second time but only after the controls have been set
CREdit(kCForWd).ReadOnly = False


Edit I tried to run this under 2019 r3.2 and got an error of StyleRun FontName not recognized. I ran an earlier version without that and it worked and worked under 2020 r1.

Do you get an exception or a crash?

No it just crashes. I also haven’t Built it and will do that soon, so I don’t know if it’s just the debugger.

I also suspect this is somehow related to the size of the app.

Sorry, I didn’t post code before, but here it is:
The Prm stuff are markers character sets that indicate Bold

//orgStrg As String, ffWin As BWindowClas, tstArea As TextArea, indx As Integer, shwDaggers As Boolean
Var fSize, pEnd, mvL, mvR As Integer //The fontsize that is larger than SizeOfFontMin
Var styRuns(), styTRun As StyleRun
//vR are identifying areas in SelectedText.  mvL and mvR are for identifying for Mid removal
//vR is end of StyledText
//ptVal is only for testing
//Var str As String
Var ccBoole, LchgBoole As Boolean//
If App.Window(0) isa CardReview Then
  LchgBoole = CardReview.LineHasChanged
  ccBoole = CardReview.Changed
End If//If App.Window(0) isa CardReview Then//for Changed start Boolean

tstArea.Value = ""

fSize = ffWin.BfSize(indx)
mvL = orgStrg.IndexOf(Prm0L)
mvR = orgStrg.IndexOf(Prm0R) + Prm0R.Length
pEnd = orgStrg.IndexOf(EOL)

If mvL = -1 Then
  styTRun = New StyleRun
  If pEnd = -1 Then
    styTRun.Text = orgStrg
    styTRun.Text = orgStrg.Left(pEnd+1)
  End If
  styTRun.FontSize = fSize
  styTRun.FontName = DispFont
  styRuns.AddRow styTRun
ElseIf mvL > -1 Then
  If mvL > 0 Then//before Prm0L
    styTRun = New StyleRun
    styTRun.Text = orgStrg.Left(mvL)
    styTRun.FontSize = fSize
    styTRun.FontName = DispFont
    styRuns.AddRow styTRun
  End If
  //start of Prm0L to Prm0R
  styTRun = New StyleRun
  styTRun.Text = orgStrg.Middle( mvL, mvR-mvL )
  styTRun.FontSize = fSize
  styTRun.FontName = DispFont
  styTRun.Underline = True
  styTRun.Bold = True
  If False = shwDaggers Then
    styTRun.Text = styTRun.Text.Replace( Prm0L, "" )
    styTRun.Text = styTRun.Text.Replace( Prm0R, "" )
  End If
  styRuns.AddRow styTRun
  //AT Prm0R
  styTRun = New StyleRun
  If pEnd = -1 Then
    styTRun.Text = orgStrg.Middle(mvR)
    styTRun.Text = orgStrg.Middle( mvR, pEnd-mvR+1 )
  End If
  styTRun.FontName = DispFont
  styTRun.FontSize = fSize
  styRuns.AddRow styTRun
End If//If mvL = -1 Then

If pEnd > -1 Then
  styTRun = New StyleRun
  styTRun.Text = orgStrg.Middle(pEnd+1)
  styTRun.FontName = DispFont
  If indx = kCHmWd Then
    styTRun.FontSize = SizeOfFontMin
  ElseIf indx <> kCHmWd Then
    styTRun.FontSize = fSize
  End If
  styRuns.AddRow styTRun
End If//If ptVal > -1 Then
Var i As Integer
For i = 0 To styRuns.LastRowIndex
  tstArea.StyledText.AddStyleRun styRuns(i)

//end of sty