App association to document file ending

On the Mac, I am trying to release a new version.
I have deleted the old version from Applications and emptied the trash.
I also restarted the Mac.

I installed the new version of the app.
I run it from Applications and it is the correct version.

However, when I double click a document file it is opening an old version of my app.
I can’t figure out where it is loading that from or even why…

Any ideas appreciated.

Probably related to what you have it set to open with in Finder:

[quote=315729:@Tim Turner]However, when I double click a document file it is opening an old version of my app.
I can’t figure out where it is loading that from or even why…[/quote]

maybe you have an old builds folder with an older version of the app

I do you are right… but why doesn’t the file association go exclusively to a program in Applications vs. a build folder off in dropbox.

How do I change it to the most recent app in Applications?

There is a dropdown and I select the most recent one and hit Change All. Then it asks me if I want to change this for all documents like this one. I say yes. Popup closes and instantly the open with changes back to the original old one not the new one I just told the finder to use.


I also clicked the lock on the info screen and entered my admin password. Didn’t help.
I then found the old app version it was pointing to and put in trash and emptied trash.

The info now points to an even older version of my app and still won’t respond to change all pointing to latest app version in drop down selection.

You need to use finder, track down all the instances of your app, and delete all but the one in Applications, then empty the trash.

A Packaged install will install a new version over the old one, wherever it is, even if it is in the Trash!

Tim Turner:

Tim Parnell provide a nice looking screen shot:

Choose your document, Get Info, press the PopupMenu (open in the screen shot) select your application and the trouble will disappears.

Also, compress your old version you do not want to trash, then trash it and the trouble will disappears too (and you have the previous version.