This is a follow-up to my question about reading Objc_message_descriptions.
On the general objC lib, this works fine now.
But then there’s there method protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList which gives me hard times.
It returns a C array of objc_message_descriptions.
These are by definition made of a Selector As Ptr and Types as CString.
I can easily read the Selector and fetch its name by calling protocol_getname by getting the array via a Core.Memoryblock and reading its ptrvalue(q).
The next 4 Bytes must be the types CString, but a fixed length of 4 Bytes would by starnge for a CString. So I guess it must be delivered as a Ptr too.
But I cannot succesfully read it. I tried several ways but must have some bug in my thinking. Do you have any idea what mistake I make?
Here’s the current implementation:
Function InstanceMethods() As objc_method_description()
dim minstancemethods() as objc_method_description // This is the named struct: a Ptr and a CString
dim arrayPtr as ptr
dim count as uinteger
arrayPtr = ObjectiveCRuntime.protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList (id, false, true, count) // just getting the InstanceMethodDescriptions here.
if arrayPtr <> NIL then
dim mb as xojo.Core.MemoryBlock = CoreMemoryBlockExtension.fromPtrArray (arrayptr, count * 2) // times 2 because it returns count * 2 Ptr sized values.
for q as uinteger = 0 to count*2 -1 step 2
dim mymethoddescription as objc_method_description
mymethoddescription.Selector = mb.pointer(q) // Until here everything's fine
dim mytypesMB as new xojo.Core.MemoryBlock (mb.pointer (q+1))
// Pointer is a Memoryblock extension returning an Ptrvalue of the MB at position index * Integersize ( Integersize gives 4 on 32 bit and 8 on 64bit systems)
// If I try to fetch what I think to be the ptr to types this way (without limitation), I get an enormous chunk of memory as result.
// But how would I determine the size of a CString in advance?
// and the memoryblock returned starts "c12@0:4@8:@04.self.performselector". So it's wrong.
mymethoddescription.Types = mytypesMB.CStringValue(0)
minstancemethods.Append mymethoddescription
next arrayptr // at least freeing seems to work now.
end if
return minstancemethods
End Function
EDIT: Had a wrong offset in the method and updated the results