I have a program that runs correctly on Windows (XP, 7, 10), compiled with Xojo 2015r4.
Today I spent it in Xojo 2016r3. On Windows 7 at some clients that manage network rights (“Windows 7 Enterprise SP1”), at launch there is the error: Unable to start the program because it lacks api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1 -0.dll on the computer.
In Xojo 2016r3 (the next version can’t read WMF files), there is no “Include Windows Runtime DLLs” property in the Windows Build Settings…
So I put all the DLL of Xojo Floder > Extras > Windows Runtime > Files > x86 in the folder “MyProgram Libs”
and after installation we get this message :
“The ucrtbase.terminate procedure entry point can not be found in the dynamic link library api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll”
For those customers where your app is already installed and who are having the issue, you can either send them a new installer with the DLL included, or ask them to download and install the runtime DLL from this Microsoft support page.
Then just make sure the DLL’s are copied next to your exe
If your using 2019r1.1 click the Windows Build setting and then in the Inspector click the Advanced tab
Then select “Include Runtime DLL’s”