Anybody using SQLite?

Interesting CVE-2019-5018 with high CVSSv3 Score 8.3. Proof of Concept shown here:

Interesting. But patched already as far air says…

Not in Xojo:

Considering that cve came out last week and 2019r1 has been out a month, I’m not sure what you’re asking.

We have a policy now that a SQLite release must be stable for 6 weeks before it can appear in Xojo because we’ve been bitten by quick release bugs too.

No blame intended, was just an answer to Christian. The SQLite bug is very interesting and bites my apps aswell.

If needed I can of course offer a rebuilt MBS Xojo SQL Plugin with the fixed SQLite.

[quote=436135:@Greg O’Lone]Considering that cve came out last week and 2019r1 has been out a month, I’m not sure what you’re asking.

We have a policy now that a SQLite release must be stable for 6 weeks before it can appear in Xojo because we’ve been bitten by quick release bugs too.[/quote]
isn’t it possible to make sqlite an external plugin like other databases, so that each one can use the version he wants, and eventually return to an older version if the current has a bug that prevents him to build his apps ?

Not always. There are times when plugins are tied to particular ide versions because of other prerequisites.