[Announcement] Offline Xojo Docset for Dash (Mac-only)

from the Dash Author:

[quote]Hi Scott,

Thanks for your feedback! Xojo has 11 votes so far, which is enough for it to get included with a future update of Dash.

A docset made by a user is available at http://garrypettet.com/2013/07/xojo-docset-for-dash/


should be 12 now!

I just compiled a xojo.plist syntax hilighter for Dash. This one should be included from the developer into the app bundle (look into the Dash.app package in Resources folder and you see many .plist files for all supported languages from Dash).
Before submitting it to the developer, I’d share it with all to have a group check. Something to add?
Download it from here.

Just a little remark:
all the # commands are in lowercase, but you let #Elseif start with a capital letter. :wink:

I’ll look into that

[quote=19910:@Paul Sondervan]Just a little remark:
all the # commands are in lowercase, but you let #Elseif start with a capital letter. ;)[/quote]

I just copy&pasted the text in the Language Reference. :wink:

Thanks Garry for your superb work!

all the # commands are in lowercase, but you let #Elseif start with a capital letter
and this is an error. The commands usually are ‘TitleCase’: ListBox, #ElseIf and so on.

Get an eye on Xojo Preferences Window.

BTW: the documentation looks really fine in Dash. The developer must mail Xojo (Norman ?) to get a zip holding the docs (with frequent updates). Taking the [LOCAL] is not really a good idea, usually.

If you are still on Snow Leo like I am: From the developer:

The last version of Dash to support Snow Leopard is available at http://cl.ly/1w0f0G1q2W1I .

the developer of Dash is amazingly fast on responses to email about his product. I was having problems with creating a new docset for an custom application for a client of mine. turned out I was a bonehead with a URL relating to the docset.

extremely friendly and fast. Reminds me of most Xojo developers.


PS> I am now glad I have purchased the full version of Dash to support the developer.

I’ve now open sourced the code for Dasho (the tool to create Xojo docsets from the offline Xojo database). You can grab the Mercurial repository here.

I have to agree with scott about the Dash developer - he’s really helpful and has even just submitted an update to the Mac app store including Xojo by default.

Norm spent a lot of time improving the offline docs with R2 and I think they are equal to the online ones (at least at the point of release).

Hi Massimo,
if I add dojo.plist in Dash resources folder the program doesn’t work anymore. If I remove the plist it works again.
I’m missing something ?



[quote=20662:@luicano monti]Hi Massimo,
if I add dojo.plist in Dash resources folder the program doesn’t work anymore. If I remove the plist it works again.
I’m missing something ?[/quote]

It’s expected, the program is code signed, therefore every change to it will invalidate the signature.
The xojo.plist should be sent to the developer for inclusion in the program. I will send it.

(Btw. if you are on the Apple Developer Program and you own a certificate for code signing, you can resign the app after adding the xojo.plist and modify the SyntaxDefinitions.plist to include xojo.plist, but this is an hack :wink: )

Ok Massimo. I’ll wait the Dash update :slight_smile:

Thanks again


Update available in App Store with Xojo snippet syntax highlighting (thank you Massimo).

Nice. Really nice!

This is very cool, cheers Massimo…

The cool thing is the developer cited me on release notes :smiley:

did you get to be a part of Dash history !!! :smiley:

I wish instead say a big “Thank You” to Gary Pettet which did the big work of creating Dash docs for Xojo and for letting me discover this very nice application.