Android Compiler Error

When attempting to Run get this message:
Type mismatch: actual type is ‘kotlin.long’, but ‘’ was expected.

Does not indicate where.

Analyze project is successful.

What I am doing: Moving part of an app originally created for iOS to Android.

First time playing with Android.

Without seeing any code, it’s hard to say what’s going on. Do you use any declares? Android Design Extension? Which Xojo Version?

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seems u use kotlin.long 64 bit but it need 32 bit

As Martin alludes to, this error usually indicates an improper Declare of some kind.

I seem to have found it (thanks Martin). It was a declare. I wanted to change the color of a button.
I copied the declare from the blog.
I have commented it out and gone on to other things.

Change the Integer parameter type to Int32 and your app should run again.