An App worth downloading for developers

I’ve actually removed it from the menu bar and dock and set the global hotkey to Command-Shift-?

This will take precedence over the in-app shortcuts and bring you there first from Xojo (and you can go to the other docs by clicking on the menu).

One of the great features in the app is that you can create different search profiles that are groups of docsets that automatically activate when you’re in a specific app. So the Xojo & MBS docsets are searched if I used Command-Shift-? in Xojo, but the iOS/OS X docsets are searched if i do the same within Xcode.

Oh nice, it integrates with Alfred. Option-Space then Dash query.

Amazing extraordinaire! All the languages I use in one neatly put place. And you can sort by function, module and what not.

Dash is my new best friend.

Thanks for sharing, Mike!

[quote=44732:@Tom I.]I’ve actually removed it from the menu bar and dock and set the global hotkey to Command-Shift-?
This will take precedence over the in-app shortcuts…[/quote]

Aah, just did this and it works like a charm! Thanks for the tip!

Now if only they’d programmed Dash in Xojo, we would have a Windows version available.

I have Dash on three different Macs, each with the Xojo and Xcode documentation sets installed and each with the same global keyboard shortcut. I don’t have it running on my Dock or my menubar, which I love. I rarely use the Xojo or Apple Developer documentation sites nowadays. I also use Dash for snippets of code - Declares and things that I want to remember. Dash is such a part of my daily coding routine that I’d hate to do work without it.

(Can’t seem to edit my last post, even after refreshing.) I meant to add that I keep my Dash library on DropBox so that all my Macs share the same library, never had any problems.