In the last years I have been using the Google Measurement protocol to send data from my app to Google Analytics and then to Data Studio to make very simple and anonymous reports about my app.
However, starting in July the old Google Analytics universal version is being replaced by the suboptimal Google Analytics version 4. There is a new version of the Measurement Protocol but I only see how to collect sales data there ( Am I missing something?
Are there any simple alternatives to get some sort of reports for app usage? I do macOS versions, app versions, languages and some session data. I really don’t want to build my own reporting if I don’t have to.
Yes, there is gaming in addition to sales. Like post_score or unlock_achievement. I don’t see how I can use the following in the new implementation:
GoogleAnalyticsData.Value("t") = "event" 'The type of hit. Must be one of 'pageview', 'screenview', 'event', 'transaction', 'item', 'social', 'exception', 'timing'.
'required for event type
GoogleAnalyticsData.Value("ec") = EventCategory 'Specifies the event category. Must not be empty.
GoogleAnalyticsData.Value("ea") = EventAction 'Specifies the event action. Must not be empty.
if EventLabel <> "" then
GoogleAnalyticsData.Value("el") = EventLabel 'Specifies the event label. Optional.
end if
if EventValue <> "" then
GoogleAnalyticsData.Value("ev") = EventValue 'Specifies the event value. Values must be non-negative.
end if