Advent of Code 2022

A reminder that the Advent of Code challenge starts tonight/tomorrow morning (Dec. 1, 2022 at midnight EST (UTC-5)).

For those that don’t know, this is a series of two-part challenges, one per day, that runs from Dec. 1 to Dec. 25 every year. There are no prizes, but it’s a fun way to test and improve your coding skills.

I have posted my project, with solutions, on GitHub. I know that @Thomas_Tempelmann has a Xojo project too, so perhaps he’ll post that link here if it’s still publicly available.


Here is the conversation from last year, including Thomas’s link.

Yay, I’m game!

I wanted to use Kem’s project this time, but I don’t have a Pro license, so I can only save as binary. Makes little sense to share it on github then. I’ll look into improving mine instead, to make it work more similarly (i.e. smarter) to Ken’s.

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I stayed up past midnight to tackle it right away and finished both parts in 7:26…

… which was good for 2,533rd place.

I guess I don’t have to stay up past midnight anymore. :confused:


I’ll use Xojo Web this year :sweat_smile:

(I’ve pixelated the screenshot to avoid spoilers)


That’s cool, and considerate. But since everyone’s data is different, you don’t have to bother.

Yeah, but where is the fun of having to rewrite the whole solution because you didn’t know what the second part was about? :joy:

Isn’t a problem in the first puzzle… but just in case™

I’ve created a Private Leaderboard if anyone wants to join. I want this to be for members of the community so PM me for the code.

Ah, it turns out that I can invalidate the code if needed, so here it is:

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Sadly, it’s 5am for me in Europe when the next challenge appears. No way to make it ever to the leaderboard with that.

Sleep after. :slight_smile:


I have the same problem :sweat_smile:

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Alright. I rewrote my own project (which is a binary project, compatible with Real Studio 2012r2 and probably even older versions, up to current Xojo versions) so that each day has its own class (inspired by Kem’s project):


I solved the first day’s challenge in 12 minutes. One more reason not to compete in the open leaderboard :snail: :sweat_smile:


I’m taking you up on your challenge @Kem_Tekinay and I’m going to use ObjoScript for this.

First challenge done.

Like you, I’m hosting my solutions on GitHub.


Your code is similar to mine, but I only see part 1.

Day 2 complete. I didn’t stay up for it, but I think I could have made the Leaderboard this time. Oh well.

Ooops. Missed that.

Darn, I’m at work all day and I need to add a sort() method to ObjoScript’s List class to solve part 2 I think. That will take more time than I can spare immediately.

Don’t worry too much about completing the puzzles on the same day, the only rule is to have fun.

The creator of Rockstar Language had to spent a few days implementing arrays, before being able to complete one of the Advent of Code puzzles, in 2019 I think :joy:



I added an (inefficient) List.sort() method implementing a bubble sort algorithm. I was then able to complete part 2 :slight_smile:.

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