AddOn: GraffitiSuite for Web: Graffiti WebChart is black without colors?

When I test the GraffitiWebCharts on the demo-server: I see colorfull nice charts.

After buying the GraffitiWebCharts and testing the demo with Xojo 2015.4.1, I have the problem that every color of the WebCharts are black.

How can I get the colors into the GraffitiWebCharts?

me too.

Does anyone know something what we have to do?

I have a WordPress - account by - Portal, but they don’t answer :frowning:

Hello all. For future reference, you can post bugs to the Tracker at (under the Support menu at the top). I’ve been trying to reproduce this issue per Luciano’s email, but have been unable to do so. If you guys could grab screenshots of the Developer Console when viewing an effected page, that may be helpful.

@Thomas Mueller I did not receive a support request from you. How did you attempt to contact? Was it via the form on the web site?

I’ve now tried to replicate this under the following conditions, with no luck:

Mac OS X El Capitan


Could any of you facing this issue please report your OS, OS Version, and Browser?

More info…

I’ve created a simple example with this working. Here’s the code for the Open event if you want to attempt it yourself.

[code] dim valOne() as Double = Array( 25.0, 50, 75, 100 )
dim valTwo() as Double = Array( 20.0, 40, 60, 80 )

dim dataOne as new GraffitiWebChartDataset( “Bar 1”, &cff0000, &c00ff00, &c0000ff, &cffff00, &cff00ff, &c00ffff, &cffffff, &cdddddd, valOne )

dim dataTwo as new GraffitiWebChartDataset( “Bar 2”, &c00ff00, &cff0000, &cffff00, &c0000ff, &cff00ff, &c00ffff, &cffffff, &cdddddd, valTwo )

me.Datasets.Append( dataOne )
me.Datasets.Append( dataTwo )

me.Labels = Array( “One”, “Two”, “Three”, “Four” )
me.ChartType = GraffitiWebChart.ChartBar[/code]

This example creates a red bar and green bar.

OK, thanks to @luciano monti for allowing me access to his system for a short-time. I’ve found the issue and fixed it for the next release.

To implement the fix in the meantime, I’m including instructions here.

Expand GraffitiWebChart class in the navigator on the left-hand side.
Expand Methods under GraffitiWebChart
Select “ColorToString”
Replace the content of the ColorToString method with the following:

Return "rgba(" + _ Format( c.Red, "###" ) + "," + _ Format( c.Green, "###" ) + "," + _ Format( c.Blue, "###" ) + "," + _ Str( 1 - (c.Alpha / 255), "0.00" ) + ")"

Thats it! Now it works! Thank you!!!

@Thomas Mueller If you need anything further, please don’t hesitate to either PM me here, or use the Tracker on the GraffitiSuite web site and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for choosing GraffitiSuite!