Are there any additional examples of successful Xojo programs out there? I saw this list, but was wondering if there might be a bit more out there than these few examples perhaps.
Hi Craig!
For more examples, you can check out the past Xojo Design Awards winners. There are some really cool and interesting submissions to this every year, and I always look forward to seeing them as many applications are not meant for public consumption despite their awesomeness.
Thanks. is my app. And if you scroll to the bottom of the page, there’s a GitHub link too. It’s all open source.
There’s also a thread of people showing off their Mac Apps here!
Nice UI Thom!
Thank you. I’m currently giving it a facelift to look nicer with Big Sur’s upcoming changes.
I recently checked out the page myself:
- Background Eraser is 32bit.
- I thought that Tim Dietrich has left Xojo?
- Trying to download a trial version from Rebrand software gives me a 404 for the macOS version.
well… Minicalc is my biggest xojo-app, running in business for many years now (they are replacing it right now)
Some smaller apps here:
IMHO you must find a niche in the desktop app business. If you are not relying on your own time-proven classes for e.g. DB I/O and basic controls it is very hard to resist the test of time.
Okay thanks. What do you mean by time proven classes? Do you mean not relying on external libraries / plugins?
I think that likely there a large number of developers like myself who don’t have any Xojo apps that are meant for general public consumption. That is, used internally by companies or similar. I’ve done lots of Xojo programs – none of which are available for public purchase or download.
My scientific application SpectraShop™ is written in Xojo. This program will soon have its 20th birthday, having been first released in 2001. It can be downloaded from Sample datafiles to use with the program are available from
Interesting thanks.
I have two apps that have been publicly available and written in Xojo since around 2004.
BRIAN is a database application for compiling discography and can be downloaded at
Beyond Category is an app for cataloging a record collection and can be found at my personal website:
Except for Valentina, both apps are pure Xojo with no declares. These are not as polished as many of the apps discussed here, but those that use them really like them. As far as I know, there is no other commercially available app for compiling discography. Probably because there are so few discographers left in this world…
My App will come out soon. The app is in English but the actual web page is only in French. An updated web page (English - French - German) will be online soon and the app will normally go online in a 1-2 month. You can find the page here: Clip Box
Have you looked at GitHub. I just checked and there are over 400 items
Congratulations. You should consider putting a screenshot of it on your product page.
No I didn’t really think of that. Usually Github isn’t too user friendly, doesn’t give you any screenshots to get an idea of what it’s about. Was thinking more along the lines of consumer friendly apps.
I would be one of those developers - I only very recently began releasing apps here and there to the public. I have written small utility apps that were useful to me and were built to my own understanding (not user-friendly as much as a commercial app would be).
- Snowflake is an open book test / quiz Q and A search app that you use keywords to find a question and then see the answer to use with the question you are facing on the test. This was for my database class.
Asset to Gain was created for when I was getting paid to babysit a slow retail shop and spent my spare time day-trading cryptocurrencies. Basically you put in your spread as a percentage of gain and you get the price you would need to sell at to make that gain. Its small size on the screen allowed me to quickly decide to sell a batch of cryptocurrencies that I had bought earlier.
– the day that we can integrate micro payments capacity into our apps (think: Google Store / Microsoft Store) will be the day a lot more people would be incentivized to develop with Xojo. Also built-in ad support for lifestyle improvement / classes / games apps is what dominates Android app development. I write this because I am fresh off reading articles about how people spent literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on apps, and recall the story of the flapper (bird flapping through a scene / goal is not to touch anything in the scene) app generated over $50k in ad revenue in a single weekend… or something like that.