Adding off-line "AfterWrite" version to Xojo project

I added the option in the past to convert a text file in my Xojo desktop project to a screenplay formatted PDF, but that needs an internet connection. The makers of “AfterWrite” offer an off-line version as well which I downloaded. Now the question is: how do I integrate it into my Xojo writing app?

I downloaded the off-line version which is an HTML file, a folder called gfx that contains jpg files and a folder named bundle that contains a js-folder, a fonts-folder and a css-folder. How can i integrate this into my Xojo project?

Sounds like you need to launch a javascript app?

For Macs, this might help:


Xojo now has PDF capabilities, wouldn’t be better you write your own PDF generator from your contents using Xojo?

Once working you remove the legacy one.

You can use the (MacOS / Windows) PDF Virtual Printer to generate a pdf.

Thanks all, but it’s not only a matter of creating a PDF, but also of converting a Fountain syntax written text into a correct formatted Screenplay, and after that it needs to be saved as a PDF with all the correct page numbers etc, following a Screenplay formatted guideline.

However, good news, I was able to find a workaround that was very simple.
My app is placing the needed files into the Applications Support folder (if they are not there yet) and then uses the “AfterWriting” convertor off-line and creates the PDF file. Very fast and elegant!

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If the files you are writing to Application Support are transient - i.e. an exported version of a document for AfterWrite to process - the Temporary Folder would be a more appropriate place to save them.

As a scriptwriter struggling to find anything that creates UK format Stage or Audio format, does your software (with or without this thing), create output that matches BBC Audio drama format?

No, I am writing a screenplay in Fountain format, so as normal text like this:

and the “AfterWriting” convertor creates a standard screenplay:

There are settings that can be adjusted, but not for radio play scripts.

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The converted text document is being saved as a PDF in the download folder, there is nothing being saved to the App Support folder, so I think it’s a good place to keep the convertor webpage files there.

Yeah, your post wasn’t quite clear as to whether you were saving the file to be covered in Application Support, or if you were saving the AfterWrite conversion framework there.

Carry on! :wink: