Hi everyone
I post this question here on XOJO forum because i’m using Xojo for the GUI of my apps
AND because i trust the the skill and the professionalism of the user’s anwser
Is there someway to add blank page to PDF Without open it ( graphically ) and re-save it
Like parsing the code and insert blank page inside
I’v try by applescript ( open with invisible… but once invisible… the javascript feature wont work )
MBS Plugins can do that.
Via PDFKit (Mac only) or DynaPDF (Cross platform).
make a blank PDF and merge it with your PDF File
Terminal Command:
/System/Library/Automator/Combine\\ PDF\\ Pages.action/Contents/Resources/join.py --output merged.pdf myFile.pdf blank.pdf
Thank you
I’m just recently learning shell script !!
Command line is it shell or something else ??
Wow Axel
Can’t expect more
Now my job to make batch processing ( integrate what i’v just learn to my existing app)
I will surely come back with some newbie glitch
Thank you very much