Accordion for desktop


I need an accordion like GUI element (like this one: But for a desktop application.
I found GrafittiSuite, downloaded the demo app, tried it and it works, but there are 2 downsides: When I uncheck ‘animate’. It doesn’t work anymore on my Mac. Bad impression for a demo app. And 199 a year is quite a bit for only this small piece of the suite.

Anyone aware of another one?


A hierarchical list box where you expand and collapse the rows as needed
Custom color the folder rows using the various paint events

Consider a big container control.
Inside that 4 or 5 other containers , layered so that
1 is first
2 is next on top of 1, and say 30 pixels down
3 is on top of that and so on.

Whichever one you click in the top 30 pixels, is the ‘active’ one.
It and all with a lesser number move to the top ‘home’ positions when it is clicked upon

Those with a higher number shuffle down to the bottom.

You can animate the sliding effects using the animation kit:

Careful about layering controls on over the other ESPECIALLY if you want your app to work x-platform
This is a recipe for flicker on windows

It should be fairly easy to create one with bevelButtons (easy to change color and graphics with the icon property), and a series of TextAreas with zero height. When the user clicks a bevelbutton, move everything up and make the following TextArea full height.
It is not difficult. Just some elementary logic.

Another possibility is to display your jQuery class in an HTMLViewer :wink:

Once you have the unencrypted source, there’s an easy fix for that, but it leads to the use of App.DoEvents in your Desktop App. :frowning:

11 Months ago i told Anthony that i won’t use App.DoEvents in a Desktop App and he wrote:

I have confirmed this issue, and will be working to address it for the next release. I’m sorry for the problems you have encountered.

I have addressed this issue for Release 24. GraffitiAccordion now uses Timers for animation, and non-animated selection works once again. I apologize for the inconvenience and delay. Your original ticket, Sascha, must have been overlooked for R23. I’m currently evaluating a new support ticketing system because of things like this.

If you are a customer affected by this issue and have a current support subscription, please submit a ticket at and I will reply with the lastest beta build.

[quote=337814:@Anthony Cyphers]I have addressed this issue for Release 24. GraffitiAccordion now uses Timers for animation, and non-animated selection works once again. I apologize for the inconvenience and delay. Your original ticket, Sascha, must have been overlooked for R23. I’m currently evaluating a new support ticketing system because of things like this.

If you are a customer affected by this issue and have a current support subscription, please submit a ticket at and I will reply with the lastest beta build.[/quote]

Thank you and don‘t worry, all is fine. :slight_smile: