Accessing Support Files At Debug Time

At Desktop build time, my read-only supporting files get swept into a resources folder by a Build step. At debug time I just access them directly, using “If Debugbuild.” and going straight to them.

How do I get at these kinds of files in iOS?

On iOS when the files are copied using a Build Step, you can access resource files with SpecialFolder.Resource

Coming from a purely Desktop culture, a lot of the iOS approach seems foreign to me. I guess what I do not understand is how to, for iOS, “copy the files using a build step.” Can you help me through that?

In the Navigator, select iOS
In the Insert Menu, select Build Step > Copy Files

Drag the build step above Sign
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 11.13.10

Then drag & drop files and folders

You can then reference them using

Var aFolder As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Resource("folder_name")
Var afile As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Resource("filename.extension")

And if you have picture files in multiple resolutions such as

  • home_icon.png
  • home_icon@2x.png
  • home_icon@3x.png

The system is smart enough to create a Multi-resolution image with the following code:

Var f as folderItem = SpecialFolder.Resource("home_icon.png")
Var p as picture = Picture.Open(f)
// p will have all three resolutions
// and will use the best suitable image for display

Thank you Jeremie. This all looks good.