Is there a way to access the HTML source in the HTML Viewer when I load a page with the LoadURL method?
What I want to achieve: Before rendering the HTML I want to parse it through, probably alter it and then reinject it to the HTML Viewer. The result should have a similar functionality like the NoScript-Plugin on Firefox browser – preventing loaded Javascripts from executing without permission.
I am aware that I can solve this problem with a combination of the HTML Viewer and the HTTP/HTTPSSocket but it would have been nice if it would work with the HTML Viewer alone.
From studying the language reference, I would say an easy way is currently not possible but perhaps I am overseeing something ;). Thx in advance.
Hi Natascha. I think you are right that this cannot be done with the HTMLViewer alone
I believe it might be possible with an MBSPlugin but I’ve not played with that part of MBS yet so I cannot be 100% sure. Christian might be along today, he could confirm this.
[quote=315637:@]Hi Natascha. I think you are right that this cannot be done with the HTMLViewer alone
I believe it might be possible with an MBSPlugin but I’ve not played with that part of MBS yet so I cannot be 100% sure. Christian might be along today, he could confirm this.[/quote]
It is quite possible with JavaScript, but indeed, it is not built in. I posted solutions at the thread I linked to.
I still can’t confirm that by the way. I’m concerned about how it happens because that seriously cripples our workarounds.
Windows is significantly slower with triggering StatusChanged, but I haven’t seen it not fire.
Dim secureSite As New HTTPSecureSocket
secureSite.Secure = True
secureSite.ConnectionType = SSLSocket.TLSv12
Dim Page As String = secureSite.Get(URL, 30)