Access iCal on iOS or Mac OS

Hi folks,
I wonder if it’s possible to add a date directly from XOJO App (iOS or MacOS) to iCal?
Has anyone tried this - did you use .ics Files or is there a direct approach?
Thanx for your ideas :slight_smile:

You may take a look at the MBS Plugins.
See here: Monkeybread Xojo plugin - EKEventStoreMBS class (


If you want to use iCal files, here’s an example…


My macOS/iOS app is able to read the iCal calendar and updates in my database and the reverse, if the user changes a date in the database it is able to update iCal.
It’s cool to see your desktop or iPhone’s calendar auto-adjust the dates!

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I agree. I use an iCal calendar to show release dates on our Calendars so I can schedule PTO easier

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thanx to all of you - works - great :slight_smile: