ABPE is a true 2d Newtons Physics Engine for Xojo and RealBasic! It is the translation of the latest stable (a045) Actionscript Physics Engine engine written by Alec Cove. It uses GDIPlus on Windows and Quartz 2D on Mac to get nice and fast graphics. Its not an exact translation as some adaptions needed to be done to let it work in Xojo/Realbasic. (They were Actionscript specific). I also added the possiblity to add a texture to the elements.
Some Features:
- collision detection (Circle-Circle, Rect-Rect, Circle-Rect and Rect-Circle) between groups and within groups
- particles with elasticity, friction, traction, etc
- Constraints with stiffness that connect particles
- groups of particles and constraints that can interact with each other
- self-buildable forces (like gravity, push, )
- vector functions
More info and the full source code for Windows and OSX on my blog:
Let’s make some games!