Moving from Intel to Silicone machine I find that opening a window containing objects like checkbox, radiobutton, popupmenu etc., the first object ("In the project window… " radioBtn) shows as if it had received focus, as the image below shows.
But after clicking, for instance, Navigator, the first object shows up “normal” that is without focus; and clicking again General, the first object is no more highlited, but it is ‘normal’.
Looking to Apple apps, I always see the first object as “normal”, unless it is an areatext or a popupmenu.
So at present I added a timer that when the window opens, it clears the focus.
Is this the right way to go? Or is there a smarter way?
(I would’nt drastically disable all the allow-tab-stops).
There were a bug there for many years with “Keyboard Navigation”.
When that feature was changed, the reversal never worked (before 64 bits macOS I think).
Actually I went back to Keyboard Navigation = true, because I thought it too drastic to remove the functionality of navigating throgh objects.
At the same time I keep a timerClearFocus in order to remove the focus from the first object (as Apple apps behave).
That’s fine, but remember that other users may have the opposite setting (most do, IMO) and you need to support both (not saying you don’t, just keep it in mind).
For users who do not allow navigating, the clearFocus timer does nothing; for the others it does not set the focus on ther first object of the window, that is it behaves like some Apple apps behave. Although looking at various Apple apps one can see the behavior is not always the same: some apps set the focus on the first object, some do not.