About Box Application Icon Size

Is there a known issue with 2015 Release 2.2 and the application icon? I’ve included a 1024x1024 application icon. When I display an About box, it scales it down to what looks to be 32x32, but it should be larger. The icon displays fine on 2014, 2.1 and 3.2.

This is the code I use to display the About Box.

[code] Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib “Cocoa” (aClassName As CFStringRef) As Ptr
Declare Function SharedApplication Lib “Cocoa” Selector “sharedApplication” (receiver As Ptr) As Ptr

Dim sA As Ptr = NSClassFromString(“NSApplication”)
sA = SharedApplication(sA)

Declare Sub OrderFrontStandardAboutPanel Lib “Cocoa” Selector “orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:” _
(receiver As Ptr, iD As Ptr)

OrderFrontStandardAboutPanel(sA, Nil)

Return True


You need to make sure you have all the icon elements, not just a 1024 x 1024. The OS will choose the one closest to the size it requires.

I seem to remember that the size for the About box is 64x64. I bet if your 1024x1024 icon is 144ppi, it’s displaying at half size. I’d at least put in a 512x512 72ppi image and see if that fixes it.

This is still not working for me. I even put the same icon in another project with the same about box code and it works fine. Any other suggesstions?


A little more information… I found out it works fine as long as I eliminate the 32 (32bit) and 16 (32 bit) icon. If either one of those is in, it will use that.

You should definitely have a 32px and 16px icon in your icns file, they are very important to Finder. Use a copy files step to place a properly formatted .icns in your app. If this solves your problem the issue lies in the Xojo icon editor.

It is not as if the About box was so difficult to replace by a small window, or even by a simple MsgBox. Besides, how many times in the life of a software does a user displays it ?

Explain how that makes sense?
An image is X pixels by Y pixels… the size of the displayed pixel depends on the device (ppi makes sense (to me) if it is printing, and then the ppi is controlled by the printer)

So if I display a 1024x1024 image on my 19" 1280x1024 screen it will take up the entire vertical size
if I display it on a similar RETINA screen it would take up 1/2 that size… because a pixel is 1/2 the size as a not retina screen

Thanks Tim. This did solve my problem, so I guess it’s a bug in the Xojo Icon Editor.

Use a post-build copy file IDE script to copy your icns file and do not use the Xojo Icon Editor.