When placing Controls with a mouse in a Window layout, they automatically snap to whatever other Control axis it comes near. Very good in most cases, but not always, especially when there are a lot of small Controls in the layout. Is there a way to bypass this behavior? Or when not, maybe it’s a good suggestion to add a checkable menu item like Snap in Photoshop or Snap to Guides in InDesign or a simultaneous keypress for instant snap/unsnap?
on the mac, press cmd while dragging and it stops snapping.
you can also move a control selection with the arrows keys one pixel at a time.
@Jean-Yves Pochez
Thanks, just what I meant! I thought I’ve tried all keycombinations but it turns out that you must first select the Control and then press the CMD-button.
[quote=378056:@Joop Riem]@Jean-Yves Pochez
Thanks, just what I meant! I thought I’ve tried all keycombinations butit turns out that you must first select the Control and then press the CMD-button.[/quote]
Thanks for that. I’ve wondered the same thing before and just thought the IDE did not support it, as I thought I had tried all key combinations too. Amazing the little things you still learn after using this product for a long time…
so one more thing …
if you have a selection of controls, move them with the arrow keys one pixel at a time
if you hold shift, you move them faster around 10 pixels at a time.
For me, it’s 8 pixels actually. I use this all this time.
And the snap (with Mouse moves) is at 8 pixels too. What a strange number
you know I have been using Realbasic/Studio/Xojo since 2006, and never noticed any SNAP at all
and 8 is not a strange number at all… most developers choose a binary number for things like this…