Good afternoon
Having fun putting together my FPGA IDE I don’t like the look of the DesktopTabPanel where I open up the source files and add a custom DesktopTextArea to it:
Anyone has a better looking idea? (o;
What I would prefer in the Tabs is not only the files name, but also a close icon…
so Canvas maybe?
IIRC someone asked a similar thing two years ago here without any replies.
(Martin T)
August 21, 2024, 1:03pm
You should take a look at @GarryPettet ’s XUITabBar .
That is amazing
Even has a great looking Code Editor (o;
Love Xojo more and more
you also have this old one, made for realbasic.
For a better code editor in pure Xojo check out SyntaxArea (it’s better than the one I wrote for XUI):
Hmm…the documentation says here:
XUI is sold as unencrypted Xojo source code
But server doesn’t exist when clicking “Purchase a license”
I used to sell it but it’s now on GitHub as open source.
I have a class for tab panels “Trixis tabpanels” at Xojo + Alfred with different styles:
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Simple and stylish, like it
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Hmm…the XUI CodeEditor example doesn’t handle entering Tabs, though Spaces per Tab can be configured…
At least it shows the correct cursor whereas SyntaxTextArea always shows a mouse pointer…