8000 members!

We just got the 8000th member to this forum :slight_smile:

Yes, but 70% of them (5,648) have never been active, not even once. (What’s up with that? Are people just auto-registered without their knowledge.)

Only 17% (1,321 people) have been active in the last 3 months.

There have to be more than a couple thousand active Xojo users in the world. I’m curious what people do for Q&A/support if they don’t come here.

For some people it’s probably the language barrier.
And I expect a lot of read only people who come here to find help by looking into archive.

[quote=94291:@Walter Purvis]Yes, but 70% of them (5,648) have never been active, not even once. (What’s up with that? Are people just auto-registered without their knowledge.)
Only 17% (1,321 people) have been active in the last 3 months.

I do not know how you get these statistics… Fact is 8000 users real feel like dark matter in the universe : impossible to detect.
Actually 8003 at this moment.

1,321 seems much more in tune with regular participation ratio in forums. In general, 99% read and 1% post, which sounds pretty much like what can be observed.

The statistics at http://www.xojo.com/company/news/2014r1.php showing 250,000 users of Xojo worldwide are even more fascinating than these 8,000 souls. How come among all these people only a small community gathers here ? Talking about iceberg, it rather feels like an ice cube in the middle of the ocean :wink:

Maybe the immense majority of these users read the forum without registering ?

You also have to take into consideration the individuals who comment but are listed as unverified(?). If they are not verified then they may not be registered and not be counted in the 8000. They may or may not have XOJO license.

I think they are part of the 8,000. Verified is only a matter of who has bought directly from Xojo with a credit card…

Well, there are a lot of people only reading.
Like Michael who registered 7 years ago, but started posting 10 months ago.

You show as registered 7 years ago, but started posting last year. I show registered 9 years ago and started posting 11 months ago. The discrepancy is due to the switch-over from the old forum to the new. Your registration date carried forward, but your posting started over. I had twice as many posts on the old forum as Norman, and now I’ve got a long way to go to catch up. :slight_smile:

Given that you can read most of this forum channels without even registering,I guess that there are more than 8,000 readers. An interesting statistic would be the numbers of visits and of hits over a month.

[quote=94393:@Christian Schmitz]Well, there are a lot of people only reading.
Like Michael who registered 7 years ago, but started posting 10 months ago.[/quote]
Everyone who as added to the list initially has a pre-start date. It had something to do with the start date on the old forums, iirc.

Anyone who is listed as Unverified has a registered account. They just don’t have any licenses attached to their account.

An interesting statistic, to me, is that we have added a couple thousand members in the past few months and the new forum has 1/3 as many posts in the past year as the old forum did in 8 years.

And the new forum now has more users than the old forum had.

That will be the effect of the MacHeist promotion in April.

You’re right.

Take also into account that some people come and go and come backÂ…

I registered to know how it goes, then I stopped and come back with the new forum software who is far better (excepted for the constant checking from local computer to web server computer).

For the real number of users of this forum, a part of the 250,000 may not have time to waste “here” ?

This new forum is far better than the original one.

Then it was successful. Well done, Xojo! Be gentle with the newbs, everyone.

Yes, sounds crazy, but we have something like 2000 to 3000 new people this year here.

It’s over 8000 :slight_smile: (from the manga and the original japanese anime )

I had work to do :stuck_out_tongue: