60596 - MySQL ssl TLSv1 only

Feedback Case Number: 60596

The Xojo MySQL plugin only supports very basic encryption which means you have to downgrade the MySQL server connection security.

Unfortunately, as of MySQL 8.0.28, MySQL no longer supports the TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 protocols. This means that Xojo can no longer connect unless you disable TLS altogether (which may not be possible in some environment).

Because of this i often have to use the MBS mySQL Plugin

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Hi Kevin

What version of Xojo are you using? What target? (desktop, web, etc.) What OS?

These are pieces of information which well help figure out the problem.

Also… isn’t 60596 a duplicate of <https://xojo.com/issue/51838> which is marked as fixed in 2021r3 or is it a different bug?

This is not a problem we have at the moment (but will have at some point).

I was simply bringing FB 60596 to Xojo’s attention as having an up to date MySQL plugin is now more important than ever.

No idea if it is a duplicate or 51838.