32bit Linux build ends up with nohup.out file in build folder on OS X.

Glitch, or a bug in 17r1?

When I build a 32bit Linux version on OS X in 17r1, I end up with an errant nohup.out file in the package folder. Easy enough to delete, but it most likely shouldn’t be there.

does it have anything in it?

The IDE and everything else does not use nohup
Have you got a build script or something that does ?

I’ve build 2 Linux applications under MacOS (with 2017r1) (one console, one Web) in both 32 and 64 bit and i don’t have a nohup.out file in any of the build folders.

@Norman Palardy - nope - just a simple CopyFileStep.

@Greg O’Lone - it’s empty.

It doesn’t happen every time, only when I’m doing a 3 platform build.

[quote=325664:@Norman Palardy]The IDE and everything else does not use nohup
Anywhere for anything

In fact the sequence of characters “nohup” doesn’t exist anywhere in the entire Xojo product source code base
Not in the IDE, compiler, plugins etc