2023R2 Using ContextualMenuSelected kills Menuselected

Hello all,

2023R2, am using a menu on the main page with Menuselected being the event that causes the menu to do whatever. Also on this page is a WebListBox. I am using the ContextualMenuSelected, in the WebListBox.

After the page is shown, I can press and use the menu on the page - it works as expected.
If I right click on the WebListBox, I get the contextual menu - it too works as expected.

However, if I go back to the main pages menu it won’t even pop up. Leaving the page to another then going back to the main page - no change.

The MenuSelected event does not even get called…

What have I done wrong??

I have tried having code in both the PageShown as well as (separately) having the setup for both of the objects in a single method on the Page.

This is the setup code. It is called from the MainPage.Shown Event

Private Sub mnuSetup()
  //------------------ For the Menu on the Main Page ------------//
  Var NavMenu As New WebMenuItem("Navmenu")
  NavMenu.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Today"))
  NavMenu.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Tomorrow"))
  NavMenu.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Next Week"))
  NavMenu.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Create License"))
  NavMenu.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Exit"))
  // Assign the menu to the dates button
  Var dateButton As New WebToolbarButton
  dateButton.Style = WebToolbarButton.ButtonStyles.Menu
  dateButton.Menu = NavMenu
  dateButton.Caption = "Navigate"
  datebutton.Icon = webpicture.BootstrapIcon("calendar-date")
  // Self.MainPageToolBar.AddItem(dateButton)
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
  // -----------  For the ContextualMenu on the WebListBox _________________//
  // Create menu and assign it to the control
  Var menu As New WebMenuitem("menu")
  menu.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Action"))
  menu.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("-")) // Separator
  // A header
  Var item As New WebMenuItem("Options Header")
  item.Style = WebMenuItem.Styles.Header
  menu.AddMenuItem item
  // A disabled item
  item = New WebMenuItem("Disabled")
  item.Enabled = False
  menu.AddMenuItem item
  // A menu with sub-items
  item = New WebMenuItem("Parent")
  item.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Child 1"))
  item.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Child 2"))
  item.AddMenuItem(New WebMenuItem("Child 3"))
  menu.AddMenuItem item
  // An item with a custom text color
  item = New WebMenuItem("Restart")
  item.TextColor = Color.Red
  menu.AddMenuItem item
  Self.lstSiteMaster.ContextualMenu = menu
End Sub

This is the code in the Menu.MenuSelected

Sub MenuSelected(Item as WebToolbarButton, hitItem as WebMenuItem) Handles MenuSelected
  If item.Caption = "Navigate" Then
    Select Case hitItem.Text
    case "Create License"
    case "Exit"
    End Select
  End If
   hitItem.Text= "Hit Item" 
  MessageBox "Hit Item = " + hitItem.Text
  Exception e as RuntimeException
    Flds()= array("EXCEPTION", CurrentMethodName, Cstr( e.Type) )
    Logs.AddFields Flds
    Logs.LogFileAppend( Logs.K_Except_App_Err)
End Sub

This is the code in the WebListBox.ContextualMenuSelected event.

Sub ContextualMenuSelected(hitItem as WebMenuItem) Handles ContextualMenuSelected
  MessageBox("You Selected """ + hitItem.Text + """")
End Sub

Ideas are appreciated!


Anybody on this?

Can you please create a new issue with a sample project to review it?

Created issue 74253

Only thing is, I cannot find out where to upload the sample code I created. Can you advise please?


1 Like

Just zip it and drag the file into the comment window.


Thanks Greg

Thank you for taking the time creating the Issue, it will be fixed in next release.


Hello Ricardo,

Sure, I guess it was an easy fix - that’s good!

Appreciated your prompt attention to this matter.