20 Years of Valentina DB

We just realized that it has been 20 years since the first release of Valentina DB. It was just before this release in which I first started talking with Ruslan and, after a while, convinced him to make a version for REALbasic (the predecessor to Xojo). Anyway - a short and somewhat informed announcement. No allcaps or exclamation points which were Ruslan’s signature of the time.


Than you guys are one year older than my company :slight_smile:

Happy birthday Valentina DB.

Congratulations guys!!

Thanks guys! It was an awful lot of hair and (dark) beard ago :slight_smile:

Congrats Lynn and Rusian!

Being for 20 years in the Software Business talks a lot about you and your product!


Thanks guys!

yes indeed, after the first release of C++ SDK and Valentina Studio (at that moment it was named ValentinaAPP) with Apple Script support, Lynn Fredricks have talked with me and said you should try to make a plugin to REALbasic. I have installed it, and in 5 min I was able to make a simple app with a window and some code. I was impressed by how easy and fall in love with RB for years.

Kudos! Thanks for choosing to support RB so long ago and continuing that support with XOJO to this day. You serve the “community” well, gentlemen … and your commitment is greatly appreciated!

Just a note to praise Valentina’s excellent support as well. I recently opened 2 tickets for Studio Pro and both were fixed within a day or two!

Happy birthday from Norway as well. I run Valentina in several web apps, and it just works so well. Looking forward for the next 20 years :slight_smile:

I’ve been using Valentina since version 1.x (the transition to 2.0 was dicey as I recall). I was using RB 2, which had just been released and had added intrinsic database support, but it was pretty anemic. I read an ad for Valentina in a magazine (MacTech?) and saw it was compatible with RB. So I took the plunge and have been using Valentina ever since. Its fantastic speed has let me do things my competition can’t. And the support from Ruslan and Ivan has been exceptional. I too look forward to the next 20 years.

Indeed, Valentina 1.x was a great product, but it also gave Ruslan a lot of food for thought as we were looking to work with many platforms. 2.x carried us forward to where we are now.