2 DebugBuild and 1 is not removed

I’m under Mojave on an Intel Mac and I have this problem since Xojo 2022r1 :
The Debug build 2 applications, and the second is not removed after I quit the DebugBuildApp.

The ToroNess.debug.app.app remains, the package only contains a “Contents” folder which only contains a file “Info.plist”. This file contains :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>Modify folder window view, Add login item, Make alias, Select item.</string>

This problem does not occur with other project which don’t have the BuildScript :

If (CurrentBuildTarget = 7) or (CurrentBuildTarget = 16) Then ' Mac OS 32bit ou Mac OS 64bit
  Dim TpTextA, TpTextB, TpTxtErr as String ' https://www.mbsplugins.de/archive/2019-03-31/Required_keys_for_infoplist_fi
  ' OpenFile(CurrentBuildLocation) ' "c:\projects\IDEScriptTest.xojo_binary_project")
  ' OpenFile(CurrentBuildLocationNative)
  ' OpenFile("/Volumes/MBtom-HD2/Tampon/TextBatchConv.app/Contents/Resources/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings") ' Ouvre dans l'IDE
  ' Mac for Test : TpTextA = CurrentBuildLocationNative + "/" + CurrentBuildAppName + "/Contents/Resources/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings" ' NativePath
  TpTextA = CurrentBuildLocation + "/" + CurrentBuildAppName + ".app"
  ' Print(ProjectShellPath)
  TpTxtErr = ""
  ' TpTextB = DoShellCommand("/usr/bin/defaults write " + TpTextA + "/Contents/Info ""NSAppleEventsUsageDescription"" ""Modify folder window view, Add login item, Make alias, Select item.""")
  ' If not(TpTextB = "") Then
  ' If TpTxtErr = "" Then
  ' TpTxtErr = TpTextB
  ' Else
  ' TpTxtErr = TpTxtErr + EndOfLine + TpTextB
  ' End If
  ' End If
  TpTextB = DoShellCommand("/usr/bin/defaults write " + TpTextA + "/Contents/Info ""NSContactsUsageDescription"" ""Read Contacts in your AddressBook.""")
  If not(TpTextB = "") Then
    If TpTxtErr = "" Then
      TpTxtErr = TpTextB
      TpTxtErr = TpTxtErr + EndOfLine + TpTextB
    End If
  End If
  If not(TpTxtErr = "") Then Print(TpTxtErr)
End If

Then I suppose Xojo execute the build script for the ARM DebugBuild (not needed as I am under Intel).

Remove the “.app” you add in the script. It is no longer required the bug that caused you to need it has been fixed.

  TpTextA = CurrentBuildLocation + "/" + CurrentBuildAppName + ".app"

change to:

  TpTextA = CurrentBuildLocation + "/" + CurrentBuildAppName
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That’s solve my problem, thank you very much.

No problem. It happened to me :slight_smile: