Hi Folks,
This was a noticed issue back in the RS 2012 days when moving between releases, but I’ve noticed that it’s now happening in the same version of Xojo (2019r3.1) on the three platforms. Windows seems to be the worst culprit.
[code]Tims-MacBook-Pro:ArGestBackup tjones$ cvs diff Dialogs/WQuickConfig.xojo_window
Index: Dialogs/WQuickConfig.xojo_window
RCS file: /usr/local/cvs/ArGestBackup/Dialogs/WQuickConfig.xojo_window,v
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -r1.48 WQuickConfig.xojo_window
< TabStop = True
TabStop = "True"
< TabStop = True
TabStop = "True"[/code]
This specific file (WQuickConfig.xojo_window) was not even edited on Windows during that session, but after checking in the files that were changed, I noticed that more files were checked in than I edited. Performing the diff resulted in the changes above and the changes in the other “unmodified” files are similar.
Anyone else seeing this? Is there an existing feedback report?