ok try this one, small chat client


windows only

I’m not really one for running random exe’s from the net, you might have more response if you post the source instead :slight_smile:


heres my source

What do you want me to test, its connecting to a lan ip

not this again…not connecting thru the internet?

  1. enter a username
    2 ) hit refresh
    3)select the chat
    4)hit login

should work

i got port forwarding on

Have a read of this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network it wont work with 10.x.x.x address

I’ll need your externally facing IP address to connect to you, you can find this out using:


its up to you if you want to post your external IP on the interwebs (I wouldn’t)

[quote=383884:@]I’ll need your externally facing IP address to connect to you, you can find this out using:
https://www.whatismyip.com/ [/quote]

Or, programmatically, you can get your WAN IP from a request to https://api.ipify.org

even if i know the WAN IP it dont mean anything because the socket still wants to listen on the LAN and give a LAN IP

You listen on the lan ip, you map your wan port to your lan port+ip so traffic comes into your wan on port XYZ then ends up on your lan ip on XYZ and you give out your wan ip.

can u send me an example? i have no idea what u just said lol… sorry

you need the internal ip to listen to. others need the official ip to talk to your app. the rest is done by your router: the portforwarding.

this does not help

if you have ipv6 you can listen on that address and open the port on your routerfirewall. then you are listening on an official ip, and other are able to conntect to it without portforwarding.

can someone make me an example to look at

log in to your router, go to port forwarding. take on external port (e.g. 8888) make a forwarding to the internal ip, given to your computer to the same port 8888.
then let your app listen on port 8888 on your computers ip.
give the other person (on the internet) th official ip of your router and port 8888 to connect to.

that will work!


anyone have a fresh copy of the raspppoe.sys file for windows?

Run SFC /scannow and it should replace it if its corrupt.