Zip with MacOs specific files

That does not seem a bug




Ok Rick, thank you, I will fill a report with my screencapture and yours.

Not a bug. It looks like an inconsistency, but if you analyze it with care it is consistent.

Useless ignorable code, but consistent with “x was used at some point”.

No need to file an Issue, it is already there:
#58900 - compiler incorrectly identifies unused local variables

In Visual Studio you would get a warning any way…:

IDE0059: value written to ‘i’ is never read, so assignment to ‘i’ is unnecessary.

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It’s possible that the .DS Store file is intentionally being omitted, as a matter of policy by Xojo. This still merits a bug report, even if it only means they update the documentation.

It’s possible but undesirable in a zip file, otherwise you can’t have custom icons on files that survive the zip / unzip.

It is completely unacceptable. Filtering out files should be left up to the developer. Xojo should not be deciding what is and is not valuable in an archive.