Xojo UI suggestion for inadvertent "Commenting" of code

One is not a requisite of the other… I use breaks all the time, but never use the tabs

You are probably right. In fact, I’ve always had tabs… Sometimes I want to add a break in code before it gets there while the debugger is running. I switch to a tab and place the break there.

I guess it is possible to leave the active code being executed and switch to another section of code to place a break.

Nevertheless, I may be not using the forward and back “arrows” as they are meant to be but they don’t always get me to where I expect to go. So tabs can be useful.

That discussion reminds me how each user has personal tastes, way and preferences. I think Xojo developers have consideration for that and this thread proves it… :wink:

this has hit me as well several times. I use two things to mitigate the issue:

  • Have the IDE configured to use a different comment style then I use normally when writing comments, so these stick somewhat out. Essentially, I use // for comments and ' to comment out code
  • Use a VCS and always review my code changes before committing
  • Use keyboard shortcut to stop debugging