XOJO 2022R1 and R11 - "Error creating Universal App: #2-"

He’s on an Intel machine, unknown macOS version, unknown filesystem, producing an universal M1/Intel app. Maybe something in that mix got the jackpot.

//Can you clone it to another folder, see the error persisting, remove almost all content but //keeping the error? That may solve your worries of sending the project.

Yup, I’ll endeavor to work on just that one of these days.

And, I just saw your other message as I was writing this…and shame on me for NOT giving full info earlier…I’m running MacOS Monterey (12.3.1) on an iMac (Retina, 5K, 27-inch 2019) with 3.7 Ghz 6 core Intel Core i5 and 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4.

Thanks for all the help, thoughts and suggestions…

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Where is this project that fails on your machine? It wouldn’t happen to be in an iCloud, Dropbox or Google Cloud folder would it?

//Where is this project that fails on your machine? It wouldn’t happen to be in an iCloud, //Dropbox or Google Cloud folder would it?

Nope, everything’s local on my Mac. But, a good thought.

BTW, on the off chance that this is relevant…here’s how I normally structure things…

If I’m working on a program, I’ll create a folder called something like:


…and in that folder is everything related to that program…the Xojo project file, my resources (pics, sounds, text), etc, etc. I add the “t” to the version# to indicate to me that this is a test version of my program not a released version of my program (in which I’d remove the “t”).

Now, if Xojo comes out with a new version that I am entitled to, and I wish to continue work on the same project but using the new Xojo version, I will DUPLICATE the folder I just named above, but change the name to reflect the new version, such as


…in this way I always can tell at a glance of the folder which version of my program is used with which Xojo version.

I trust that this is a reasonable approach, and I didn’t do something illegal by NOT telling Xojo that it is now working in a new folder…I’m assuming Xojo finds everything relative to the folder that the project file is in.

I think this is proper but just mentioning it in case this is NOT the correct approach…

//The Build process did change quite a bit in 2021r1, so it’s possible that something in your //app is hitting a situation we did not anticipate.

Yippee! Problem found and fixed. Thanks everyone for chiming in…Rick, Greg, Paul, Beatrix, etc, etc. The problem was indeed in the build process (and the fault, I guess, was mine). What got me to the problem and the fix was in the latest issue of XDev where I saw this in the Xojo Talk section (written by none other than you Paul!):

“Important Note: One thing in particular is that the CurrentBuildAppName IDE script constant now always includes the extension on macOS. Previously, this was not consistent, so you may need to adjust your build scripts accordingly.”

So, I checked the Build Settings of my two apps…App1 where the build worked, and App2 where the build did not…and I found that the Mac App Name of App1 was set to App1, but the Mac App Name of App2 was set to App2.app…with the extension.

I removed the “.app” extension that I had put in myself thinking it was proper, and now the build for Universal builds just fine.

Again, thanks to all for the help…

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Such event needs a better detection and such error message needs a fix and better description.

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I’m glad you got it working, but this sounds like a bug. Please create a Feedback case with this information when you get a chance.

Didn’t @Greg_O suggest the solution in the 2nd reply to this thread?

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I forget exactly how to do that, but I’ll try…thanks again.

He sure did…thanks Greg! Went right over my head at the time.

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//I’m glad you got it working, but this sounds like a bug. Please create a Feedback case with //this information when you get a chance.

Done! Thanks again…

I have the same error. I have a script in my building process which corrects the name of the app.
If I comment this code, the building works ! So it’s definitely with the App names :slight_smile:

here is the code in my script:

Var MyAppName As String
MyAppName = “MesHoraires_”

Var version As String
version = PropertyValue(“App.MajorVersion”) + “.” + _
PropertyValue(“App.MinorVersion”) + “.” + _
PropertyValue(“App.BugVersion”) + " (" + _
PropertyValue(“App.NonReleaseVersion”) + “)”

PropertyValue(“App.Version”) = version

PropertyValue(“App.MacOSXAppName”) = MyAppName + version


is that script before or after the Build step?

It only appears to do this the first time. which probably means that the build process is grabbing the name before the build scripts run and then assume that it has not changed.

It is before the build step :slight_smile:

Do you know if there is a way to do it without getting the error ?

Thanks Jean_maurice

I believe I ultimately found and fixed the error (with help from others here) and started a feedback case long long ago. Here’s the gist of what I found (from an earlier message in this thread):

//The Build process did change quite a bit in 2021r1, so it’s possible that something in your //app is hitting a situation we did not anticipate.

Yippee! Problem found and fixed. Thanks everyone for chiming in…Rick, Greg, Paul, Beatrix, etc, etc. The problem was indeed in the build process (and the fault, I guess, was mine). What got me to the problem and the fix was in the latest issue of XDev where I saw this in the Xojo Talk section (written by none other than you Paul!):

“Important Note: One thing in particular is that the CurrentBuildAppName IDE script constant now always includes the extension on macOS. Previously, this was not consistent, so you may need to adjust your build scripts accordingly.”

So, I checked the Build Settings of my two apps…App1 where the build worked, and App2 where the build did not…and I found that the Mac App Name of App1 was set to App1, but the Mac App Name of App2 was set to App2.app…with the extension.

I removed the “.app” extension that I had put in myself thinking it was proper, and now the build for Universal builds just fine.

Again, thanks to all for the help…
Hope this helps you too…

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It didn’t work for me. Finally, I’m building separately X86 and ARM and it works. But choosing Universal in the build process goes to the error.

Thanks anyway everybody :slight_smile:
