Xojo 2019R1.1 macOS Ventura 13.6 DebuggerHook / DecodeMachOTraceback crash

Good question - you can run 2019 on more recent OSs with this hack:
See Big Sur prise? Bug Surprise? - #38 by Lars_Brennicke

	- Run the Xojo app at least once, so that Gatekeeper is out of the way and you can modify Xojo.
	- Quiz Xojo
	- Right-click the Xojo app and choose “Show package contents”.
	- find the file Contents/Resources/SDKStubs/macosx10.14/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit.tbd
	- Open in BBEdit
	- Under “reexports”, you’ll see  ,/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIFoundation.framework/Versions/A/UIFoundation
	- Simply remove this text (including he preceding comma). Don’t delete the closing bracket
	- Save the file.

Could I use an older OS? Yes, in theory. In practice, let’s assume it’s so impractical that I’m not willing to, for the sake of this thread.