Xojo 2018R1.1 Rasp won't run.

I have run into this issue on an Arm device. I was also able to replicate the issue on an arm32v7 docker container running on Linux x64 bit.

For now I will build using Xojo 2017.

I was excited to see the release notes stated this issue was fixed. I built my app with 2018r2 but it still has exactly the same issue. Can anyone else verify this?


Maybe then I am chasing my tail!
In my case, some versions run, but others do not. I get segmentation fault issues and others.
Would be nice to know if others are still having trouble or not. Cant stand wasting a week or so on some ghost…

2017r2.1 works fine for me. 2018r1.1 and 2018r2 do not work.

2017r3 works but 2018r1, 2018r1.1 and 2018r2 do not work. Remote debugging still does not work so the problem is difficult to diagnose.

For clarity, The issue I have is CPU at 100% and no response from web app. I am running on arm32v7.