WYSIWYG component for editor full HTML file

I was aiming at a comparison that would be clear to Xojo users, sorry.
Formatted Text Control, the it’s-almost-word you can drop into your app.


[quote=478006:@Tim Parnell]I was aiming at a comparison that would be clear to Xojo users, sorry.
Formatted Text Control, the it’s-almost-word you can drop into your app.[/quote]

Right, thanks. I tend not to look at paid-for-plugins because I get no income from any app I might create, and the outgoings are non-zero (Xojo Licence, Apple Developer Licence, website hosting, …).

There are entire products that are fit this need
I doubt you’ll find a drop in item like this
If anyone had such a drop in item I suspect they would just build a product around it and make a business out of it
Dreamweaver, EverWeb, Goldfish etc etc etc

At first glance, though, developing such a feature in a class seems possible. After all, between TextArea and HTMLViewer, and perhaps Canvas, Xojo offers the basic building blocks.

But it would require solid knowledge of JavaScript to support a WYSIWYG editor based on HTMLViewer, and probably a month or two at least of development.

Being pragmatic, I would probably instead use gHTML or GraffitiSuite HTML Editor to edit the body, and perhaps use TextArea to edit the headers. That should be relatively easy.

You remember VB6?
Well, in VB6 I used Microsoft’s “DHTML Edit Control” ActiveX.
After inserting the ActiveX in my Form, while launching my app I could insert tables, images, links, format text, etc.
With a simple property I could see the HTML code built by the component, example:

Dim sHtml as String
sHtml = MyDHTMLEdit.HTML

In VB6 I can do it. ActiveX control was provided by Microsoft. It was already installed on Windows.

@Michel Bujardet I have tried controls like gHTML or GraffitiSuite HTML Editor but, as you say, the returned HTML code is relative to the and not to the whole .

A control that approaches to “DHTML Edit Control” is the one present in the package “MBS Xojo Plugins”. It allows me to insert objects visually and returns me a complete HTML code, not just the BODY. The problem is that the HTML code is completely modified, let me explain: I put to the MBS Plugin control the HTML code, and even if I reread it immediately the HTML code has completely changed, inserting properties and styles inside the TAGS.

Seems to me you have two possibilities worth exploring:

  • Try to use “DHTML Edit Control” ActiveX in Xojo. Chances are, since it is a VB6 DLL, it has the proper com methods, and will be recognized by Xojo.

This should get you started:

  • Use gHTML or GraffitiSuite HTML Editor to edit the body, and perhaps use TextArea to edit the headers.

The way I see it, if you save the HTML page on disk from these components, and load the headers in an unsttyled TextArea, you can edit the header, and then reload it.

Both should provide the servcies you are looking for.

Paul Levine wrote Everweb with Xojo, a HTML5 wysiwyg website creation tool.

Unfortunately not available as a Xojo plug. And I don’t think that he had any business advantage in creating such a thing.

But he has the code for it.

Internally Everweb seems to use Froala https://www.froala.com/wysiwyg-editor

To be honest, Xojo components, apart perhaps from big providers of plugins such as MBS and Einhugur, are much too much of a small market to represent anything interesting.